Our Journey to Ghana
In 2018, the members of Place of Enlightenment visited Ghana to provide assistance to those in need of food, shelter, and other basic essentials like clothing. With our help, the people of Ghana were able to feel a sense of hope and relief in knowing that their fellow human beings were willing to help.
As our organization continues to travel the world and reach more people, we need your help to make our mission a reality. We are dedicated to providing people all over the world with the strength and support to build their communities.
Now, We Need Your Help.
Our mission in Africa continues today. We are still requesting donations of food and clothing to these underrepresented Ghanian communities.
Want to learn more? View a PSA from Juliet "Akos" Abankwah, head of Place of Enlightenment's Ghana international affairs.
Donate today.
With a small donation, you can support African communities in need. With your donation, the people of Ghana and other surrounding African communities can have the livelihoods, safety, and opportunity they deserve.